The day began with the departure to Tokyo. Despite the earliest departure I could(like 5am), the train(JR chou-sen? Sobu sen?) was filled with people going to work. After giving my seat to an elder, I ended up standing all the way to Tokyo.
Right after storing the luggage at Ueno, the next (major) stop was JR-Utsunomiya(ĺŽé˝ĺŽŽ), where I waited an hour for the train that goes to JR-nikko, but check it out what I got from gacha(Getting shinomiya at Utsunomiya lol).
(On the way to nikko, which btw is the north most station a JR Tokyo wide can get you)
At nikko, I gotta switch to tobu lines(ćąćŚéé・ćąćŚćĽĺ çˇ) to get to my final destination-tobu world square. the wrong train(actually, same train, but the wrong partition and it went the other direction-tobu nikko- can u believe that). But I to my surprise I encountered this^
Around 1pm, Ive finally made it there. You know, finally got the chance to see with my own eyes, the tallest twin towers of WTC here with us today.
Other than the WTC, a lot of other 1:25 miniatures of landmarks/famous architectures around the world. In their words, global trip in one single day.
While returning to Tokyo, despite the long wait, I also encountered the situation that: in such a country side small station, there aint no one selling ticket... so I had to made a phone call to get a proof and made up the ticket later at tobu-shimoimaishi. At Utsunomiya, since I am in a rush to pickup my luggage, I took shinkansen and luckily I made it before the deadline.